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Contacting Us

Getting in Touch

In Person

At our Main Branch:

1930 6th Avenue South, Suite 104
Seattle, WA 98134
Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm

By Mail

P.O. Box 94286
Seattle, WA 98124
**For overnight or express mail packages, please use our main branch address.


Our local call center is open M-F from 10am - 5pm.
Telephone: 206-622-1850
Fax: 206-622-2073

Need to activate your card, set or reset your pin?

Telephone: 800-290-7893

Loan Inquiries

Notice on Language Assistance

Interpretation and translation services are available to you at no cost. If you need them, please let us know. We will be happy to call an interpretation service.

Hay servicios de interpretación y traducción a su disposición sin costo alguno. Si los necesita, por favor dejanos saber. También contamos con personal bilingüe que puede atenderle en persona o por telefono.

On Social Media


Shared Branches & ATMs

5,000+ Branches and 30,000+ Fee Free ATMs Worldwide

Report a Concern

We take your concerns seriously. Use this secure, anonymous form to share any issues or feedback. To file a report, provide client code ExpressCU and simply do one of the following: